Peter Jackson
One of the notable occurrences of recent cinema history has been the epic retelling of The Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit. Expertly using a number of Visual Effects techniques including 'forced perspective', Peter Jackson has delivered these tails in the scale & glory that they deserve as movies. He hasn't done much else in the past 20 years, King Kong, 2005 & The Lovely Bones, 2009, but the 6 adaptations of JRR Tolkin's Middle Earth saga have been some of the biggest film productions in history. With thousands of cast members & shooting locations all over the world, Peter Jackson's contributions to global cinema production can not be dismissed.

Christopher Nolan
Since his second feature break out, Momento, 2000, Christopher Nolan has Written, Produced & Directed a string of impressive hits. He's a favorite among modern Filmmakers with titles such as The Prestige, The Batman Trilogy, Inception, Interstellar & Dunkirk. Christopher Nolan has definitely made his mark in modern Cinema.

Guillermo del Toro
A modern day favorite for fun & spooky projects, Guillermo del Toro has been wowing audiences since the late 90's with frightening, yet charming films. With titles including Mimic, The Devils Backbone, Blade II, Hellboy, Pans Labyrinth, Pacific Rim, & Crimson Peak, del Toro has brought us a string of fantastic & imaginative monster themed movies. He's also responsible for Televisions modern vampire series, The Strain, & the creator of a great children's animated series, Troll Hunters. Among modern day monster movie creators he ranks up at the top.

Wes Anderson
Since his first Feature Film, Bottle Rocket, 1996, Wes Anderson has become quite recognizable for the unique style, pace & humor of his films. With a series of memorable pieces such as Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Moonrise Kingdom & The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson has consistently charmed audiences again & again for 20 years.

Jon Favreau
I was pleasantly impressed with his indie break out 'Swingers' in the 90's, but Jon Favreau has come further than I ever expected. Not only did he kick off the whole modern day Marvel Universe with 'Iron Man', & bring us 2011's 'Cowboy's & Aliens', but these days he's Directing some amazing live action adaptations with Disney, plus Executive Producing a stunning line up of big budget Marvel Studio projects. Not at all the Indie filmmaker I remember from 20 years ago, & definitely one of the more influential & accomplished Producer/Directors since then.